Summer Picnic

The SGCRA's annual summer picnic takes place this Sunday 30th June from 2pm in Fitzwilliam Square. It's a great opportunity for neighbours to catch up for a few hours in a beautiful setting. Bring your picnic blanket or fold out chair and something to eat or drink.

At 2.45 pm there will be a promenade performance of various Shakespeare scenes & sonnets by Dublin Shakespeare Society led by a mistress of ceremonies with performances at a series of spaces throughout the park. (35mins)

At 3.30 pm we are delighted that our new neighbours The Little Museum of Dublin are going to run their humorous walking tour of the Square and its history. (60mins)

And across the afternoon there will be paint-along with a professional artist, lawn games,  
and complementary drinkspizza (from local favourite Cirillo's).

We look forward to seeing members on the day.